Results of our Stakeholder Survey May 2020
We are sharing the results of our stakeholder survey conducted in May 2020. This includes statistics on strategic context and relationships, community voice and influence, making a difference locally, informing people and Healthwatch Tower Hamlets priorities for the upcoming 18 months.
Key Findings:
Strategic context and relationships:
- 53% agree that Healthwatch Tower Hamlets brings a distinct contribution to decision making structures in the local system.
Community voice and influence:
- 35% strongly agree that Healthwatch Tower Hamlets pays particular attention to seldom heard groups.
Making a difference locally:
- 61% agree that Healthwatch Tower Hamlets insight and reports are constructive, independent and clear about the rationale for the evidence used.
Informing people:
- 22% strongly agree that The Healthwatch signposting, information and advice service makes a clear contribution to ensuring that the voice and experience of easily ignored and marginalised groups is heard.
Healthwatch Tower Hamlets priorities for the upcoming 18 months:
- Understanding how changes to services, due to Covid, are impacting disabled residents and involving them in any future service redesigns.
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Results of our Stakeholder Survey May 2020